VueJS 3 Chat App with Vuex 4 and Boostrap 5 Screencast: Source Code: Views: 25
docker-compose with condition (healthcheck)
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Pod Volume via hostPath via Minikube-Docker on Apple M1
Actually Docker Desktop App as default sharing Users, private etc. folder with Docker Images. Github Repo for Example Project: But Minikube need minikube mount bidirectional folder sync. From this reason i will say, use your own simple folder structure for Minikube hostPath Solution. For example: Macbook Folder: $home/minikubeprojectsMinikube Cluster: mnt1/minikubeprojects For mounting, you need after minikube start only this Example Configuration Project / chart / values.yaml Project / chart / templates / deployments.yaml Project / chart / templates / volume.yaml Project / chart / templates / configmap.yaml do you need mount directoy check? for that, check the minikube directory […]
Kubernetes Port Forwarding with kubefwd on Apple M1
kubefwd is a command line tool for Kubernetes Services and allows you to access any service from your local workstation in the same namespace on cluster. kubefwd temporally adds domain records to our /etc/hosts file with the service names it forwards. Here is explaining the workflow from official GitHub repository: and Screencast (it’s also from GitHub repository) Installation with homebrew Requirement kubectl kubefwd assumes you have kubectl installed and configured with cluster access. You can install kubefwd directly from txn2/tap. To upgrade: Testing Create and run forwarding Open Gitea-Service and install it. After installation i have a new repo created […]