This repository contains Helm chart configurations for deploying OctoPrint project. The script allows you to easily configure and deploy the chart. Direct Repo address for those with Kubernetes and Helm knowledge: Prerequisites – Helm v3.x– Kubernetes cluster– Bash shell Usage Clone the Repository Run the Setup Script First, make the script executable: Then, run the script: The script will prompt you for the following information: These values will be used to populate the config.yaml file, which will be used for the Helm installation. Helm Install The script will automatically run helm install with the provided project name and config.yaml file. […]
kubectl autocompletion on windows & git bash
Write bash completion code to a file and source it from .bash_profile load the kubectl completion for bash in to current shell Views: 278
How to develop PHP applications on Local Kubernetes with Helm
Dont Worry! It is Very Easy.. 🙂 Install the Helm CLI and k3s(/or minikube) as kubernetes before the begin. now let’s fill in the files. Chart.yaml project/index.php templates/deployment.yaml templates/ingress.yaml template/pv.yaml template/pvc.yaml template/service.yaml values.yaml and let’s install with helm Add hostname (simple-php.local) a.k.a domain in your /etc/hosts with any text editor. My /etc/hosts looking so; And check the domain in your browser with slash ( http://simple-php.local/ ) Enjoy! Views: 98
Cert-Manager – Kubernetes NGINX Ingress with Cert-Manager
Install Cert-manager is easy to install with Helm Package Manager. The first step is add Jetstack repository in our repository and becoming the package info with update Now we can install Cert-Manager with CRDs into our cluster: Cert-manager have also a kubectl plugin to easily manage configs and resources Configure for The Let’s Encrypt Certificate Views: 32
Simple Private Docker Registry via Helm (as Helm Chart)
Overview Updated: 07.12.2022 – etc/hosts step added, all metada-name with refactored, hostPath in values.yaml defined. Views: 80