Install first homebrew, if it is not already installed. Paste that in macOS Terminal. And follow the ==> Next steps: after Installation add homebrew to your PATH Actually Default Image for php from Brew Package Repository is a PHP 8. Here we can see that: Thats means, we can simple install the php 8 in a macOS Terminal with this command brew install php, but we want to explicit install version 8, other versions can be declared as standard in the future. Paste that in terminal after that, you should be linked the installed php as system default php interpreter, […]
Gitlab Installation WSL2 + Docker + Kubernetes + Helm 3
gitlab/values.yaml Views: 85
CSS Frameworks for old Windows UIS
98.CSS XP.css 7.css Views: 22
Create Docker Image with Tag from .tar file and push in Private Docker Registery
Create Docker Image from .tar file Create a tag. Before tag creating, i will learn my source image/newly created docker image ID for the tag creating command.. we can find that via “docker image ls”, but put the grep command, because i want only the same name having images seen, what I as grep argument given. And now i can create a new tag for local or for private docker registry Option 1. Tag for Only Local Using Option 2. Tag for Local and over Local/Open Registry Example Usage: in docker-compose.yml for Kubernetes deployment Views: 102
First Local to Stage Kubernetes Deploy via Helm
“That’s one small step for a man, one small leap for mankind.” 🙂 Views: 21