Apple M1 / Development / Helm / Kubernetes / Server

Gitea Installation via Helm on Apple M1

Gitea? is aa community developed and managed simple, lightweight github alternative, written in Go. Gitea provides a Helm Cart for installation on kubernetes, thats mean, if we would like to customize our install, we can do this.. But when not, we can directly use without any custom configuration/helm config. Installation And starting port-forwarding for Port 3000. and here is.. Enjoy 😊 To customize your install, here is the complete configuration details. Views: 31

Apple M1 / Development / Helm / Kubernetes

Helm CLI installation on Apple M1

Helm? is a package manager for Kubernetes. Helm uses a packaging format, this called “charts”. Chart? is a collection of files, what be describe Kubernetes resources, like a Server, Database, Caches or simple deploy pod. Check first first which version as lastest for ARM64 released : Installation Step Run following console commands in command line. IMPORTANT! Don’t Forget replacing this LASTEST-RELEASE-HERE tag with latest release/version from For example Download your Helm CLI Binary Unpack it And Move it to bin location and, you should be able to run, check with this command and see the output Example Steps […]

Apple M1 / Development / Docker / Kubernetes

Minikube on an Apple M1

Minikube? is local Kubernetes. Kubernetes? is open source portable and flexible platform for managing containerized services, we have also declarative configuration and automation for services. Docker Desktop on Apple M1 First thing, what we needed, it’s a Docker Desktop App for Apple Silicon. Please check the Official Installation Guide, if installation steps changes has or new steps added..) Docker Installation on Apple M1: Download Docker Setup Install Rosetta 2 Binaries To install manually from the command line, run the following command Important We Starting the Docker Desktop app after installation! (because i don’t did that!!!) ok, so now docker desktop […]

Apple M1 / Development / PHP

PHP 8 with Xdebug 3 on Apple M1

We can install Xdebug via pecl on MacOS with Homebrew. Paste that in terminal. And see if the php interpreter with Xdebug working: to correctly configuration Xdebug, locate (or create) section in php.ini file. Finding your currently php.ini location, type this in terminal: php –ini Open the php.ini file. add it as follows at the last lines of file Enjoy! 😊 Views: 26