Development / PHP

Git Bash inside PhpStorm

Go to: File -> Settings -> Tools -> Terminal If you are using 64 Bit Git Bash(Git for Windows) put this in the Shell Path field. Or for 32 Bit Git Bash put this in the field Views: 31

Development / PHP

Social Poster – A Simple Facebook Page and Twitter poster

Social (Media) Poster Social Poster is a simple Facebook Page and Twitt poster Text Posting Text with Image-\s Posting Tech Social Poster uses a number of open source projects to work properly: facebook/graph-sdk – Facebook SDK for PHP (v5) dg/twitter-php – Twitter for PHP is a very small and easy-to-use library for sending messages to Twitter and receiving status updates. – Markdown editor for this creating/editing. Fast and easy to extend. Twitter Bootstrap – great UI boilerplate for modern web apps jQuery – duh Integration Facebook Create Facebook Developer Account Create Simple App You not need Facebook Products […]