content is updated continuously. Useful commands for daily use:Build Docker: docker-compose build Run in background : docker-compose up -dFollow Docker Logs: docker-compose logs -f containeridGet Bash/SSH into a running Container: docker exec -it containerid bash Remove all stopped containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) Views: 23
Development / Docker / Linux / PHP / Server
Gitlab CI SSH Deploy
Create SSH Key on Remote host 2. Copy Generated Private key from remote Server Views: 70
Development / Docker / PHP / Server
GitLab CE – CI / CD for Standart PHP Projects and Auto Deploy
I have on my git repo two basic branches; master und develop Views: 27
Docker for Local WordPress Development
Create a file called docker-compose.yml with the following code in your project directory and then enter ‘docker-compose up’ at the command line. version: “2” services: my-wpdb: image: mariadb ports: – “8081:3306” environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: verysecret mywp: image: wordpress volumes: – ./:/var/www/html ports: – “8080:80” links: – my-wpdb:mysql environment: WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: verysecret Views: 34