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How do Remove Element From an Array – Simple
/** Set – New Array */ const users = []; /** * Add – New Element/Item */ users.push({ id: socket.id, name: ‘Visitor’}); /** * Find – Index of Element */ var foundIndex = users.findIndex(x => x.id == socket.id); /** * Update/Add – New Data an Founded Element */ users[foundIndex].name = data.name; /** * Remove */ users.splice(foundeIndex, 1); Example from My Home Hobby Project: const users = []; nsp.on(‘connection’, (socket) => { console.log(‘Kullanici :’ + socket.id + ‘Baglandi’); users.push({ id: socket.id, name: ‘Visitor’}); socket.on(‘sendUserData’, (data) => { console.log(‘Server => ‘ + data.name + ‘ Connected.’); var foundIndex = users.findIndex(x => x.id […]
My Experiences with Laravel 5.5
First Project / Look : I have had some experience in module writing my company software solution for an Aid Organization. This project was with Laravel 5.1, what the customer wants as a correction or update… What have I had? First of all, some pre-installed plugins(from the old developer at company) need to be updated, because these plugins work not nicely or stable.. But isn’t possible, because XYZ Plugin needed higher version another ABC, DEF Plugins, this plugin needed higher version of laravel/framework. If I framework updated, then you get several errors, because main core functions or classes changed or […]