Views: 47
A runtime developer console, interactive debugger for Chameleon System 7.1.x #ChameleonShop #runtimeDeveloperConsole #InteractiveDebugger #psysh #symfony #php Views: 38
Dump PHP 8.1 OPCodes using Vulkan Logic Dumper with Bonus
The VLD a.k.a Vulkan Logic Dumper extension must be installed, we can compiling if from source. with the sudo make && sudo make install command, our vld extension is compilied and copied directly to the php extensions folder. The next step is to active the plugin in the php.ini file Let’s find our php.ini file. we found our php.ini file, now let’s active our vld extension with a text editor at the bottom of file, find the ;extension= section. Let’s add extension=vld, and save it.. We are all set!. and we can dump any php file with this parameter. […]