We will explore how to build a product search system that leverages sentence embeddings and similartiy scoring to improve search relevance. For this projekt, we need a lightweight model from “sentence-tansformers” library. Wyh: Because we need per Product Vector Space, that must be fast and stabil. I Founded this “all-MiniLM-L6-v2” model, is small, efficient and maps sentences to 384-dimensional dense vector space, making it suitable for tasks like semantic search. Let’s Start, Step 1: Setting Up the Envrioment: First, install the necessary library: Then, import the required modules and load the model: Step 2: Generation Embeddings: We will generate embeddings […]
MySQL Database and User Create bash script
Usage: Here is a simple script to achieve this: Here are the steps to make your create-db.sh script globally accessible: Optional: Rename the Script for Easier Access: If you want, you can rename the script to just create-db for ease of use: Views: 120
MJPG-streamer installation and run at System Startup using Systemd – Ubuntu Server
mjpg-streamer is a popular tool for streaming MJPEG video from webcams. In this tutorial, we will learn how to configure mjpg-streamer to run automatically at system startup using a systemd service unit file. Installation via Snap Step 1: Create the Service Unit File In the text editor, paste the following content: [Unit] Description=MJPG Streamer After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=ExecStart=mjpg-streamer -i “input_uvc.so” -o “output_http.so -w /home/kzorluoglu/charts/octoprint/www” Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Step 2: Enable and Start the Service BONUS: if you want to run mjpg-streamer without sudo, you can try the following steps. Add your user to the video group: sudo usermod -aG video <your_username> […]