#ChameleonShop #runtimeDeveloperConsole #InteractiveDebugger #psysh #symfony #php Views: 32
Dump PHP 8.1 OPCodes using Vulkan Logic Dumper with Bonus
The VLD a.k.a Vulkan Logic Dumper extension must be installed, we can compiling if from source. with the sudo make && sudo make install command, our vld extension is compilied and copied directly to the php extensions folder. The next step is to active the plugin in the php.ini file Let’s find our php.ini file. we found our php.ini file, now let’s active our vld extension with a text editor at the bottom of file, find the ;extension= section. Let’s add extension=vld, and save it.. We are all set!. and we can dump any php file with this parameter. […]
How to develop PHP applications on Local Kubernetes with Helm
Dont Worry! It is Very Easy.. 🙂 Install the Helm CLI and k3s(/or minikube) as kubernetes before the begin. now let’s fill in the files. Chart.yaml project/index.php templates/deployment.yaml templates/ingress.yaml template/pv.yaml template/pvc.yaml template/service.yaml values.yaml and let’s install with helm Add hostname (simple-php.local) a.k.a domain in your /etc/hosts with any text editor. My /etc/hosts looking so; And check the domain in your browser with slash ( http://simple-php.local/ ) Enjoy! Views: 111
Cert-Manager – Kubernetes NGINX Ingress with Cert-Manager
Install Cert-manager is easy to install with Helm Package Manager. The first step is add Jetstack repository in our repository and becoming the package info with update Now we can install Cert-Manager with CRDs into our cluster: Cert-manager have also a kubectl plugin to easily manage configs and resources Configure for The Let’s Encrypt Certificate Views: 32
Local Multi-Domain Kubernetes for Development with Kind + Ubuntu + WSL2 + Docker Desktop
Installation WSL2 installation on Windows Install Ubuntu on WSL2 on Windows Docker Desktop Download Configuration After the Docker Desktop installation we need to enable the following WSL integrations at Docker Desktop: Views: 73