The reason for the error is that encoding of the, please open a your config file with text editor (Notepad++, PhpStorm or etc.). Views: 238
Development - Docker - Linux - PHP - Server
Gitlab CI SSH Deploy
Create SSH Key on Remote host 2. Copy Generated Private key from remote Server Views: 7507
Development - Docker - PHP - Server
GitLab CE – CI / CD for Standart PHP Projects and Auto Deploy
I have on my git repo two basic branches; master und develop Views: 384
Development - PHP
Git Bash inside PhpStorm
Go to: File -> Settings -> Tools -> Terminal If you are using 64 Bit Git Bash(Git for Windows) put this in the Shell Path field. Or for 32 Bit […]
PSR-2 PHP_CodeSniffer Config
# phpcs.xml, this file must be under project root folder. <?xml version=”1.0″?> <ruleset name=”Basic Project Coding Standards”> <rule ref=”PSR2″ /> <!– extra rules for the laugh 😉 LOL –> <rule […]