Development / DIY / Linux / Raspberry PI 3

Magic Mirror – PIR Sensor – Update #3

The idea of installing the motion detector is that it either turns the HDMI signal on or off. IF the motion detector does not detect any movement for 9 seconds (value that can be changed as required), it switches of the HDMI Signal. As soon as movement is registered again, it switches the signal on again. If movement is also registered during 60 seconds, the timer is reset to zero.. The pir sensor connected to raspberry pi with female-female jumper cable. VCC to Pin 2 GND to Pin 6 OUT to Pin 12 And now the motion detector should switch […]

Development / Javascript

SmartMrK OS – v0.2.0 released!

New Features Vue Router feature added. Edit/Create Widget Pages and Homepage working with routing. New User Shortcuts Ctrl + y : Admin Login Ctrl + k : Homepage Ctrl + n : Add new Widget (For Editing: Click on Widget) Github Tag/Version/Download Link: Views: 22

DIY / Raspberry PI 3

Magic Mirror – A another Smart Mirror Hobby Project

Requirements: Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 or 4 – or Set SD Card bigger 8 GB HDMI Cable USB-Adapter  Monitor Custom made frame for Monitor DIY? and then: Sand Paper- Paint Spray – Custom made glass for Monitor 80C Spy Film – SolarScreen 9,88€/m² Spiegelfolie Silber statische Fensterfolie 2m x 0,91m Selbsthaftende Folie für Sonnenschutz Sonnenschutzfolie UV-Schutz Spionfolie Installation: Unzip the image and install it to an SD card Official image mirror is here or Configure your WIFF in magicmirroros-wpa-supplicant.txt at the root of the flashed card. Put SD-Card in to Raspberry PI and Boot up. […]