Redmine Time Tracker – Chrome Extension

A Chrome Extension with Vue.js to efficiently track time for Redmine tickets.

  • Create Timer via shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + k)
    • Usage: Go to Issue Page on redmine and type this shortcut.
  • Multiple Timer for some issue
  • Real-time search for tickets.
  • CSV to Redmine Table Converter
  • Timer functionality integrated for each ticket.
  • Direct API integration with Redmine.
  • Comment functionality for each ticket.
  • Clean and responsive UI/UX.

#Setup Page

# Issues Page

# Search Results


  • Real-time search for tickets.
  • Timer functionality integrated for each ticket.
  • Direct API integration with Redmine.
  • Comment functionality for each ticket.
  • Clean and responsive UI/UX.

Steps to Use the Extension

New Feature – 16.10.2023

  • Create Timer via shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + k)
    • Usage: Go to Issue Page on redmine and type this shortcut.

New Feature – 16.10.2023

CSV to Redmine Table Converter

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